Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Making Money On The Internet - 10 Ways

I liked the idea of making money on the internet. Now that I haven't had a job in years, I like it even more. I use several ways to make money online, all of them carefully considered, so I don't have to be home to operate the business.

You see, there are all sorts of ways of making money on the internet. I know someone who sells surveillance cameras and equipment online, another who sells laminating machines from a web site, and several people who sell ebooks. Here are some of the other possibilities:

1. Subscription web sites. These are sites that have limited public content. To get the good stuff, a visitor has to subscribe. For example, a business-themed site might offer unlimited access to its resources, including web site templates, sales letters, and the latest news and techniques, for $10 per month. Get a thousand subscribers and you'll be making some money.

2. Sell your handicrafts. Many people sell the things they make online and make a good living doing it. Everything from handmade walking sticks to dog clothing is sold online.

3. Sell your book. The internet has made it easier than ever to sell your book without needing a publisher. You can set up a sales site and either promote it free using articles, or pay for search traffic.

4. Sell downloadable products. Ebooks and reports are easy to make now, and don't require any printing expense. They also don't require any shipping. Buyers pay with credit cards (many companies will even handle that for you) and download their purchases - even while you sleep.

5. Sell links on your web sites. If you have a good web site, people will pay to have links to their web site placed there. There are companies online that will arrange the selling of these too.

6. Collect from pay-per-click advertising. This has to be one of the easiest ways of making money on the internet right now. Just paste that code into your pages and start collecting for the clicks. I knew I liked this way the first time I passed the $50 per day mark on my click revenue.

7. Sell affiliate products. Visitors to my backpacking site click on the links I have put there and buy a tent or a sleeping bag, and I get paid a 7% commission. That is the essence of affiliate marketing, but it works in many other ways, and the commissions range as high as 75%.

8. Refer buyers to an affiliate sales page without a web site. Although it has become more difficult to make this work, you can still make commissions without a website. Postings in forums, articles, and online classifieds are all free ways you can refer buyers to a site that you are an affiliate for.

9. Sell pixels or words on your website. Do you remember the man who sold a million pixels on a web page for a dollar each, in order to pay for college (and much more)? Buyers got to advertise how they wanted with their 100 or 200 pixels space. The next incarnation was a buy-a-word site. Pay for a word and it was linked the buyers web site. What next?

10. Sell your expertise. Many people use a website and online promotion to sell their offline expertise. Whether you are a business consultant or a wilderness guide, you can make more money with an online presence.

Sell and ship products. Sell products that don't need to be shipped. Sell advertising. Sell your expertise online. Sell your offline services online. Sell other people's products. Sell your own products. These are just some of the basic categories of online business. Within each of these categories there are dozens of ways of making money on the internet. Why not get started?

Steve Gillman studies money. To learn about unusual ways to make money, including 10 more ways of Making Money On The Internet, and to get free e-courses and ebooks, visit the page http://www.UnusualWaysToMakeMoney.com/making-money-on-the-internet.html.Atlanta Blog83706
Alessandra Blog27530

The Culture of Debt Amongst Young People

Its amazing when you consider the above statement and try and get a grasp on the two concepts of Young People and Debt?

Back in my day being at College or University was all about racing around and being passionate about either Politics, Music, Alcohol and whatever else (or in most cases whoever else) you were passionate about.

Nowadays it is more about managing the College or University Loan and trying to find ways of servicing the estimated 25,000 ($45,000) amount of debt per student.

This is appalling. Youngsters have enough on their plate to start with without struggling to cope with a financial millstone of this size hanging around their neck.

The knock on effect of this is actually harming the way we look at financial management and also the educational prospects of future generations.

Two things are shaping the future workers and leaders of tomorrows industry. The amount, cost and financial debt of going to university and how many different credit cards they can lay their hands on to help fund their overall shortfall.

Of course whenever there is a demand for something then there is the corresponding supply of what can be best described as financial temporary first aid. The trouble is that it is First Aid of the worst sort and should actually be only considered as a means of last resort.

The feeding frenzy that is the never ending sales pitch of the Credit Card Companies during Freshers week at most Colleges would leave most people sleepless if they had the remotest idea of the long term implications or the damage that this is actually causing.

A recent survey in the UK by one of the leading Banks (hmmnnn. an unbiased research study obviously) came up with the following findings:

The survey, which questioned sixth formers, students and graduates, showed that sixth formers were more worried about debt than about their studies, with 71% saying they were concerned about making ends meet and 60% admitting to worrying about failing their exams.

It also went on to report that an increasing number of this year's new students are planning to work their way through university to ward off high levels of debt, the survey found, with 87% of freshers hoping to get a part-time job.

The report then also stated that:

Just over half of current students admitted being concerned about the amount of debt they were in, and one in five said they had considered dropping out of university and finding paid work.

This is appalling. The way things are going it will not be too long before some enterprising Financial Institution will be providing Savings Plans for women the moment they become pregnant! I know in a lot of cases we are there already but saddling youngsters with large amounts of debt when they are mostly still struggling with coming to terms with living their lives on their own just seems madness to me.

With large, unmanageable and financially prohibitive interest rates, some of these Credit Card Companies get what they deserve when they post mounting bad debt provisions.

The trouble is that they then claw it back from the rest of us.

Stephen Morgan writes for http://www.highbloodpressure.name and is also the founder of http://www.livingwithhighbloodpressure.net. More information on the above article can be found at http://www.highbloodpressure.name/highbloodpressuremedication.html.Alicea Blog7797
Annette Blog30076

Webmaster Follies - Ignoring PR0 Directories

When manually submitting links to directories webmasters normally ignore directories which don't present any page rank value. This is because the common presumption is websites with PR0 or low PR value are worthless, don't serve a purpose, and can potentially devalue your website. This is considerably true in most cases, mainly when considering purchasing text links on a site, but directories are a bit different. The differences with directories are they are mainly maintained by webmasters, which ultimately mean they will potentially gain PR value in the future. Directories usually go levels deep and the further down the chain the less likely the page you are listed on will ever have any PR, but most PR0 or low value PR sites are either new or less active, which means you can easily reserve a top permanent link placement and reap the rewards later. Inclusion in PR0 or low PR sites are usually FREE, but you can believe that once it gains momentum and its PR reaches a sellable level, the FREE inclusion would change.

The question I ask myself when submitting to PR0 or low PR sites, is does the good outweigh the bad? If I know it is a directory maintained by a webmaster that has other successful sites or directories, then I will definitely submit a link. If the site is SEO friendly and links are organized in first-come-first serve opposed to alphabetically or random, then I would submit a link. If the directory has very few categories, but at least one relates to my site(s) then I would submit a link. If the site I am advertising is a PR0 or low PR site, then I will submit a link, in hopes that the site submitted to would gain PR soon and share the value. And if the site give me a good feeling, then I would submit a link, I call it webmaster intuition.

If 60% or more of the sites you submit to which are PR0 or low PR sites eventually gain a good standing page rank value which is shared amongst the pages, then you have done good and will reap the rewards. Gaining PR is not a hard task, all it take is creating good backlinks and I bank on the fact that directory owners know this and are creating backlinks as well. Most directory owners know that to make a directory powerful and most active is by having a good PR value, having a good PR value allows a directory owner to charge more effectively for link placement, knowing this most directory owners are performing SEO tactics to increase their PR. You can almost bet that any directory owner is concerned about their page rank and actively trying to increase it. That makes it even more appealing to submit to directories.

Ant Onaf (http://www.antonaf.com/home/internet_marketing/) is an internet marketing professional. He maintains online yellow pages (http://www.techreferrals.com/) for computer and internet related businesses and services. Allianora Blog31680
Ashlie Blog94645

Without Search Engine Optimisation Your Website Could Be Lost

Building a great internet site is a wonderful achievement. But it could also be a complete waste of your time and money unless potential clients can find it. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one way to ensure your site is seen in the most crowded marketplace ever conceived.


To understand Search Engine Optimisation you must first consider how people actually look for and eventually find - products and services on the web.

Research shows that more than 80 per cent of the worlds 290 million internet users (10 million of them in Australia) use search engines to find what theyre after.

There are many search engines available to consumers the better known include Google and Yahoo! but in general they all work the same way. Typically a person will enter a keyword or phrase into the search engine and immediately receive a list of recommended web pages.

Internet users are impatient, which means they seldom scan though more than a page or two of search results, and generally only access sites listed at the top of the page. If you want to be seen, your site must not only appear on a list of search results, it must rank towards the very top.

Open a search engine and type in a word or phrase someone searching for your company might use if you fail to appear in a prominent position, chances are your site has not been search engine optimised. Without optimisation, your site is about as effective as an advertisement floating in the middle of the ocean.


Search engines regularly dispatch spiders or robots (aka bots) to collect information on websites. Using an algorithm a set of complex formulas or rules the search engine evaluates each websites relevance and then ranks it accordingly.

These algorithms are unique to each search engine, they are highly secret and they change all the time. But in general they all obey a basic set of rules. That means it is possible improve your chances of a better ranking by ensuring your website has the most appropriate content, and that the content is structured in a search engine-friendly way this process is known as Search Engine Optimisation.

Search Engine Optimisation is not an exact science. It requires trial and error, and there is never a guarantee of success. But without Search Engine Optimisation your website is almost guaranteed of not being seen.

Of course there are other ways of reaching potential clients. You could, for example, spend money to advertise on a search engine, and only have your advertisement appear when people search for particular keywords. That is valid way to increase your chances of reaching customers. But studies have shown people using the internet tend to trust and visit the free listings more than paid listings.


First you need to find out if your site is actually being indexed by a search engine.

Open a search engine and type your company name in the search box. If you appear in the results it means that spiders or robots have located your site. They will place the site into a memory bank, and visit it from time to time to update their information.

If your site it not listed you could consider submitting your site to search engines. This will not guarantee that they will list you, but it wont hurt to try. A word of advice - do not submit your site multiple times as this will only annoy the search engine people, and you need to be on their good side.

Some search engines will not accept submissions they prefer to find your site themselves. And some simply draw their information from other search engines (a disclaimer should alert you to this practice), which makes it pointless submitting your site to them.

Once you are confident your site is being indexed, you need to identify keywords these are the terms a potential visitor might enter into a search engine when looking for your product, service or company.

Finding the right keywords is a pivotal component of Search Engine Optimisation. There are applications that allow you to test each word by showing how popular it is and how often it is used the result might surprise you.

A good way to find keywords is to visit a competitors website and see what it has listed. To do this, open their site and click on view source - a heap of what looks like gibberish will come up, but find a line which says

Gerald Chait is GM, Sales & Marketing of Software Design Group (SDG): Website Development, Design, Search Engine Optimisation, Network Support, Outsourcing Solutions, Help Desk Support, Application Development, Hardware & Software Sales. Gerald.chait@sdgtechnology.com.au or http://www.sdgtechnology.com.au.Amelie Blog67726
Alane Blog74236

Debt Management - Budgeting and Financial Controls


The most fundamental basic of debt (or money) management is to be in control. To know about every penny that comes in and where every penny goes. Ideally, when you open those envelopes that arrive on the door mat every day there should be no surprises.

If you are in debt and/or having financial difficulties, you need to bring yourself around to a situation where your income exceeds your expenditure - you need to establish a budget and stick to it.

Budgeting and sticking to it are two separate things. In this article I am going to cover setting the budget only, sticking to the budget will follow in a subsequent article.

Before carrying on it is worth noting that the principles outlined below are good for not only reducing debt, but also growing personal wealth overall - effectively an investment for the future.

Establishing Costs and Income

The first thing to do is to recognise that all spending is not equal: that some monthly expenditure is more important than others. For example, not paying your council tax for a few months could land you in jail.

The next thing to recognise is that some outgoings are fixed and others are flexible. With this knowledge you can begin to tackle your flexible monthly expenditure intelligently and make progressive steps to reduce outgoings both immediately and over time.

Additionally, you also need to recognise that even fixed expenditure may be reduced with the right approach.

The next thing to do is to list everything you spend money on over the course of the year.

I have put together a budget planning sheet for the purpose of helping you do this. You can download it by using this budget planning sheet link, http://tips.cars-and-money.co.uk and clicking on budget sheet on the right hand menu, or by going directly to the file download by using: http://www.cars-and-money.co.uk/tips/debt-management/downloads/budget-sheet-p1.xls

You will see that the sheet is split into specific sections to provide some guidance on how to breakdown the list. The sheet is also split into columns for yearly, monthly and weekly expenditure so that it is easier to group all like expenditure together even if you pay for it in different ways.

The most critical items are towards the top of the list, i.e.:

housing costs;

- rates and utilities;

- important household services;

- personal insurances.

With the critical items, the consequences of non payment can either be very high and/or occur very quickly, e.g. loss of house, loss of electric, water or gas supplies, imprisonment etc. It therefore makes sense to attend to these bills first.

The next part of the list is critical in terms of day to day living, but much more discretionary, i.e.:

- motoring expenses;

- food and housekeeping;

- miscellaneous goods and services;

- personal and leisure;

- sundries and emergencies.

This group includes some very fundamental items such as food; however, how food is purchased can have a massive impact on monthly expenses. For example, living on takeaways is obviously much more expensive than shopping carefully in the local price leading supermarket.

While detailing the first section is usually fairly clear cut (just check past bills), this section is fraught with difficulty as most of it can be cash or lumped spending. That is, a figure of 150 charged to a card from the local supermarket says nothing about what was purchased on the final bill - who knows, it might have been 150 of beer and crisps - it can be difficult to recall everything.

If it is just you in the household you have the relatively simple task of being honest with yourself about this sort of expenditure so that you can recognise how much is really being spent on what. If you have a partner, or live in a family group, it can be much tougher. The key word is of course honest. You will have to draw out the truth about what is really being spent and who is doing it. If it is the two of you, you may have to recognise there is a key culprit, or that you are both as bad as each other.

In any event this section is a land of opportunity as far cost reduction is concerned so spend time on it, get out past bank and card statements and go through them line by line. If necessary walk through a typical week, or have everyone involved keep an expenditure diary so that everything is exposed.

The third section in the budget sheet is entitled 'credit card and other debt': in other words unsecured debt. Unsecured this may be, but non payment still has consequences in terms of your credit worthiness and other debt collection measures - including the use of county court judgements and even bailiffs. The only difference between this debt and many of the more critical fixed costs outlined above is the time it takes for the consequences to bite.

If you are having financial difficulties then the figures that should go in this section are minimum payments only. You will need to stop using all cards until the situation is resolved.

The last section on the budget sheet is for income. That is, income after tax - employable cash.

Make sure all income is included. So, if you do have shares that earn dividends, or bank accounts that earn interest, then these figures need to be included as well as any salary income from yourself, your partner or anyone else in the household that may contribute to the monthly bills.

With all costs and income identified, we are now in a position to look at the overall picture and start developing a plan that will ultimately become our budget.

With everything in place, there can only be three scenarios:

1 - Income exceeds outgoings

2 - Outgoings equal income

3 - Outgoings exceed income

If income is greater than outgoings then you can continue comfortably. Cost reduction, budgeting and careful saving will pay dividends in terms of loan reduction, early mortgage repayment, or even building up savings and personal wealth.

If income equals outgoings, then the situation is a borderline one and action to reduce costs will need to be taken. However, it is unlikely that savings cannot be made and there is a strong likelihood you have caught things on time and can turn it around.

If outgoings exceed income, then this exercise has not come a minute too soon and it is now time to grab the bull by the horns and turn the situation around.

Planning the Budget

In the previous exercise, we have identified all costs and all income and now have a clear picture of the current situation. Using this information, the budget we set will, in effect, be an overview of how we live our lives from this point on. There will be certain rules that we have to stick with, but we will know that sticking to the rules will allow us to achieve our future financial goals.

The next part of the process is a little more painful and certainly more laborious than the last, but nevertheless must be done.

Begin with the easy stuff first. This is the middle section on the budget sheet, i.e.:

- motoring expenses;

- food and housekeeping;

- miscellaneous goods and services;

- personal and leisure;

- sundries and emergencies.

There will be lots of low hanging fruit here (easy savings to be made).

For example, let's say your daily expenditure diary reveals that on your commute to work you buy a newspaper at the railway station and a coffee while you wait for the train. You buy lunch at the deli around the corner, but go to the local pub for a sit down lunch and a drink on a Friday. You have a drink with colleagues after work on average 2 nights a week and buy an evening paper to read on the train on the way back from work. This is what this expenditure looks like over the week:

Morning coffee: 1.50 x 5 = 7.50

Morning paper: 0.60 x 5 = 3.00

Lunch at the deli 2.50 x 4 = 10.00

Bar lunch: 7.50 x 1 = 7.50

After work drinks: 2.80 x 2 = 5.60

Evening paper: 0.50 x 5 = 2.50

Weekly total: 7.50 + 3 + 10 + 7.50 + 5.60 + 2.50 = 36.10

Look at this again. Every single item is discretionary, yet it will cost you 144.40 in a 4 week month.

You may not be able to give everything up on the list, but taking a flask of coffee to work with a packed lunch may be a start. Many newspapers now offer yearly subscriptions that will cut the weekly bill by more than half - if you still need to have a newspaper every morning and every evening (do you?). The pub lunch could be dropped and the drinks with the colleagues after work cut back to one drink one evening a week - still sociable enough for most people.

In this example we might get back something like 130 per month. If there are two of you doing it, it might be more like 260 per month.

You need to do this type of breakdown and cost reduction exercise on each line item. Drop things like takeaways to a once a month treat and (if you do not already) learn to cook and cut out ready meals and other prepared food. You will not only save money, you will find you start living healthier too.

Examine closely how you do your motoring. Could you mange with one car instead of two? Could you get rid of the gas guzzling 4 x 4, which would reduce insurance, maintenance, road tax and fuel bills - all at once? Take a look at a company like Cash Drive (http://www.cash-drive.co.uk) to see if you could buy a smaller car at a sensible rate.

Hopefully you are getting the idea by now.

Once the individual figures have been reviewed and cost reductions identified, you can put the new figures into the budget sheet and we can now start to see the new budget taking shape.

Next we can look at the first section. That is:

-housing costs;

-rates and utilities;

-important household services;

-personal insurances.

These are largely fixed costs, but there are opportunities here too. Housing costs such as rent or mortgages can be reduced. Mortgage deals can be switched to take advantage of new lender deals, or fixed rate schemes taken on if interest rates look like rising in the near future. The term of the loan can be extended or (if things are really tight) payments dropped to interest only for a while. You need to ask the question.

If you are renting, could you manage with a smaller property, or a one in a less fashionable area? Could you move closer to work at the same time and reduce daily travelling costs?

Take a look at what seems to be fixed costs such as personal, or household, insurances and compare rates and benefits. Deals in this area change literally every week.

Gas and electric costs can be reduced by switching supplier or, better still, turning down the heating and switching off lights and appliances when they are not being used. Focus on this for a while and you might be pleasantly surprised at the difference it will make.

And so on.

The last cost section is the credit card and unsecured debt one. Much like insurances this may be a more flexible area than you think.

If your credit rating is good then you have lots of room here to take on new cards and deals with 0% interest rates. Make sure when you do this that you close down the accounts you are transferring from. That is, you do not increase your overall indebtedness, or availability of debt.

If your credit rating is already poor, or bad, this may not be an option for you, so you will have to find other ways to reduce your repayments. One thing that creditors like to see is that their debtors are in control of the situation. A well put together budget sheet like the one we are in the process of outlining here can be a huge help.

Using the budget sheet you can identify all income and expenditure that needs to be made before handling your unsecured debt. This will leave you a set amount that can be used to negotiate reduced payments to your creditors.

This is a separate subject in its own right, but showing you are in control of your own finances may allow you to negotiate a reduced payment plan with the companies concerned.

Any other thing you can do in this area to consolidate debt and reduce overall interest payments needs to be examined closely.

However, you need to resist the temptation to make any loan consolidations that involve using your property for security. There is probably another way, so explore the other ways first.

The last section is income. You may have been tough with yourself in the cost section, but the other dimension to the budget is of course income. The more you increase your income, the less you need to cut back (or the bigger the benefit if you do).

Whilst writing 'increase your income' is very easy for me to do, in reality it is much harder to do. However, there may be opportunities you had not considered which may be worth exploring such as overtime, weekend shifts, unsociable shifts, additional responsibilities that could be taken on, or even a second job. Switching jobs could also be an option as could be starting a completely new career.

In other words increasing income is not always about getting further up the greasy pole, sometimes it is about taking a sideways move into any area you had not considered before.

One last point on income: while you have the budget sheet in front of you it is worth evaluating the cost of work. In other words, when you add up travel, parking, fuel, dry cleaning, child care, work wear etc then subtract it from your income - that will give you a true figure of what you earn.

Finalising the Budget

The above represents a substantial investment in time and effort. The end result will be a budget sheet which is accurate, personally optimised and which puts you in control of your own finances.

Having made this effort, you should now have identified specific allowances for each item and you now need to be sure that money is allocated each month to cover those items whether they occur weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.

It is unlikely that you will be able to reduce all of your costs, move house, change jobs, etc, all at once, so you may have recognised already that this budgeting exercise can be a progressive thing that happens over time.

Therefore, to begin with, you will need to ensure that costs are under control and, as a minimum, outgoings equal income. Over time you will look for cost savings and income increasing opportunities and, once taken advantage of, you can then revisit the budget sheet, put in the new figures and move on.

One completely free benefit to all of this is that, once it is all complete and you are sticking to it, you get a full night's sleep whenever you want.


Sticking to the budget

Keith Wallis is a freelance writer on the subjects of debt management and personal finance in the UK.Ally Blog36346
Arabele Blog84796

How To Make Money Online By Sharing Videos

Making money online by sharing videos on the Internet may seem too good to be possible, but it does work. There are several websites, including some very popular ones, that will pay you to upload videos and allow them to be played on websites. Some of these websites demand exclusive videos that you personally own, but some of these websites allow videos that have been posted elsewhere. If you have a lot of videos stored, or you can take a lot of interesting video, then this may be a great way for you to make money online.

The reason that a lot of these sites pay you to share videos is to draw more traffic to the sites that are full of ads. When you share videos on certain websites, the revenue that is generated by the traffic clicking on the ads is divided between you and the website, or you and the advertiser. You make money by sharing your videos, and the site gets interesting content that will help draw traffic to the site and the ads. Some of the more common programs that pay you to upload videos and share them are Flixya, YouTube, Metacafe, Associated Content, and VuMe.

Some of these sites require you to register for a Google Adsense account, but they also offer a personalized URL for your use in sharing videos and ads. It is important to understand any restrictions on the photo uploads, because some of the websites require you to submit only exclusive videos, unlike Flixya, which allows videos to be shared from any source that is available to you, and allows the same videos to be posted anywhere on the web. This means that you can post these videos on more than one site, which can help increase your income from making money online by sharing videos.

When sharing videos online to make money, it is important that you understand the regulations of the websites and the advertisers. Know whether video postings must be exclusive to that site. Some sites require a Google Adsense account, so make sure you know about this requirement as well. Make sure that your shared videos are appropriate for the audience as well. Do not post any graphic or obscene videos, as this may get you banned and cost you money. Also remember to continue to market your web page to increase traffic, because more traffic means more ads clicked, which means more income for you.

Flixya.com is another website that will pay users to upload videos. The payment method works similar to most other paid-to-upload sites; they split the advertising with you. So, the more popular your videos are, the greater potential you have to earn money.

Your submissions to Flixya are nonexclusive, as well, so you can post the same videos on YouTube, Associated Content, VuMe, and Metacafe.

Before you get started, you are going to need to open a Google Adsense account. Flixya pays you by rotating your Adsense publisher ID with their's 50/50. Half the times ads are displayed on your page, you earn the revenue. I am going to assume that everyone already know what Adsense is and how to sign up for an account, but just incase you don't, I will briefly explain it. It's really simple, just go to the Google Adsense website and follow the instructions for creating a publisher account. Google will ask you to submit a URL for the site you will be displaying ads on, just use your Flixya URL.

The next step, of course, is to start uploading videos. One of the great things about Flixya, is that you don't have to submit original content. You can use any video from sites like YouTube and MySpace. A lot of other sites that pay for videos require that you only submit original content, which makes it difficult to not only submit a large quantity of videos, but to also ensure your videos will be popular. The fact that Flixya allows you to share any video makes it easy to contribute content that will be well liked and get lots of views.

Copyright © 2007 Joel Teo. All rights reserved.

Joel Teo writes on various financial topics including Las Vegas Real Estate. Learn more about Las Vegas Real Estate Investing at http://www.realestateinvestment101.infoAridatha Blog64217
Avis Blog69516

The Amazing 4 Steps Secret System For Generating Unending Cash Flow Of Income

This is a 4 step secrets on how to start a profitable home based business.

This business requires two things.

1. Burning desire and patient to learn

2. You must implement what you learn.

So, if you know you cannot meet these two demands you may likely not succeed in this system.

I want you to understand that character and morals is needed in professional pursuit.

Now take note of the keywords in the headline.

i. Amazing: it is powerful and real

ii. 4 Steps Secret System: it is secret to someone who do not know it

iii. Unending Cash Flow: it keeps keeping money in your account year after year even when you stop promoting it.

Now what is these 4 secret steps?


Look for a problem that you can solve. If there is something that you know, there is somebody who dont know it. No information is too small.

This thing you know must provide a solution to someones problem.

There are more to this step one. For you to master this step, you must be able to answer the following question very well.

How can I identify a problem?

Where can I go to learn of a problem?

Will what I know provide a solution to someones problem?

Where and how can I get resources for this step?

These questions must be well address otherwise you are not through with step one.



Yes after you identify a problem the next step is to find the people who need your information. You can do this online or offline. It is easier offline.

You need to understand certain things with this step. Such as:

How do I find the people who have this problem and will need the solution?

How can I approach them?

How can you make people beg you with their money to sell your product for them?



This increases your credibility, sale and recommendation.

Now how can you find the information you need?

How can you get the information freely and cheaply?

How can I package my product freely?


Tell the people who need your solution to their problem that you have what they want and give them a detailed instruction about how they can get it or buy it.

Do you remember what I said earlier?

The system requires burning desires and patient. The fact that you read bit to this point shows that you have the desire. What of the patient?

Well, this is the big secret of the system. Most people find it difficult to be patient about learning.

Now think about it, of what benefit will this secret be to you if you can not patiently wait for me to teach you all the important thing that will make it work for you?

And the second requirement, ability to implement what you learnt. This is the biggest hurdle, the one that trips off 99.9% of those who have had the secret revealed to them.

If you can scale this then I guarantee that you will never be broke financially again forever once you know this secret.

Let me say this right now, lack of money is not one of the reasons, even though that is the ready excuses that most people give.

So, as I stated there are more to learn about this system.

Do you remember those questions I asked at the end of each step?

They are fundamental question that will help you to succeed with this system.

All these questions are discussed in the following series of reports. It contains every thing you have to know about this system.

For more information, send a blank message with your name to:

I hope to see you at the top!

Olowole JetroAlli Blog34799
Adel Blog53568

From The Living Room To The Office

Tired of finding colored pictures among your invoices? Have you ever discovered random lego pieces among your inventory? If so, you must own a home business, and you must be working from anywhere in the house but your very own office. So you need a home office. How does a home business owner move successfully from the living room to the office?

First, the home business owner needs to establish his or her own space for an office. Find a spare room or a room you can easily concert into an office. Even a corner of the garage will do for a first-time home business owner. Remember to start small and invest little at the beginning, and then when you can afford it, you can build or create the office of your dreams. If you do not have your own space, however, you will be doomed forever to finding peanut butter smeared on important documents, and you will sacrifice the professional look that you need to exude to have a successful home business.

Secondly, once you have your space chosen and established, organize your goods. Invest in some organizational materials like shelves (cheap from the hardware store), categorizing materials like labels and sharpies, colored boxes, and a filing cabinet. Once you know what you need for organizational materials and invest in them, organize your office with two frames of mind: organize it so that it makes sense to you, and organize so that if something should happen to you and those you love most would need to find important documents quickly, they would be able to. So your system should not just make sense to you, but it should make sense to just about anyone. It should be simple enough that your fifth grader can understand it.

Finally, establish and maintain office hours. Certainly you chose to come home or establish a home business so you could earn a living with minimal family sacrifice. However, if you do not establish and maintain office hours, you will lose the business you dreamed of. Consider the best times for these office hours. If you're a stay-at-home mom, then establish those hours at times when your husband is home and can watch the children or when you have a regular play date established with the neighbor's children. Maybe you want to work during your child's regular nap or individual play time in the afternoon. Regardless of what you choose, establish those hours, and then train your family to respect them. Otherwise you may never finish your work.

Ultimately the success of your business lies on you, the home business owner. If you can establish a specific place and time for your business, you increase the odds of success. Keep your business in the office, and resist the temptation to take your files to the living room so you can watch the most recent re-run of Law & Order with your spouse while looking at documents. Inevitably you will lose an important document and not discover it until you move the couch for the carpet cleaners six months down the road.

Jim Biscardi is owner of Dynamic Wealth Systems, LLC and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Jim recommends you visit: http://www.DynamicWealthSystems.comAlexi Blog86986
Alvina Blog99946

Fun with Business Credit Cards

Business credit holds a lot of promise for small business owners, but comes with some caveats. Before anyone gets too excited, allow me to temper your enthusiasm by saying most business cards are going to be based primarily on your personal credit scores for companies with less than 1 million dollars in revenue. If you are just starting out, then your personal credit will almost certainly be the prevailing factor as far as you getting approved.

For the beginner, your jaunt into the business credit realm starts with Dun and Bradstreet, the business credit bureau. Experian also has a smaller business directory as well, but D & B as they are called is king. The first thing you need to get is a DUNS number. A DUNS number is needed for any business to report, and the number is free.

Your goal is to get a Paydex score. A Paydex is a business FICO that ranges from a low of 0 to a high of 100. The goal is a score of 80, which equates to a 700+ FICO. Beware of the hard sell for credit builder. The reps will call and send emails incessantly trying to get you signed on for this credit builder program. They'll tell you that you only have a marketing file and you absolutely have to buy this program. The fee for the program will change from the $700 range to the $200 range and everywhere in-between. The truth is that companies report automatically, you can easily get a Paydex score for free, and the hefty commission for hawking the credit builder product is the motivation for the reps. In general, you need 5 companies to report to get a Paydex.

Credit scoring is also different than personal scoring. The main variable is how soon you pay something off. If you buy something and wait 30 days to pay it, your score will be lower than someone who pays it off in 5 days. Larger accounts count more than smaller accounts, so someone with a 100k balance will get more points for paying it off than someone with a 5k balance.

Finding companies to report is fairly simple. Start with the basic office supply companies like staples, office max, office depot, and Viking. They give easy credit to just about anyone and report. Wait roughly 45 days for these companies to report.

Once they report, move up to the Home Depot, Lowes, and Dell level. These are slightly harder to get credit from, as they typically want to see a few positive trade lines first. Again, wait the requisite 45-60 days for all these companies to report before moving up to the next level: general use credit cards.

Getting a general use, regular credit card is much harder. Many companies look at both your personal and business credit scores, although some may only need to glance at your business scores to get an approval. Citibank generally will give you a general use card if your business credit file is strong enough. I personally got approved for three business cards with CITI and only had to endure one credit pull.

Advanta offers really great business credit card offers, with a lengthy promotional APR period, low rate afterwards, and overall very favorable terms. The flipside is that Advanta is also one of the most picky credit issuers, and they base much of their approvals almost entirely on your personal score. If you have any personal credit woes, you'll probably be declined, and this includes having more than 6 inquiries in the last 6 months, too many new accounts, or balances that are too near their limits.

There are two major benefits to having business credit cards. First, they don't report to your personal credit, unless you default, so expenses you may have bore that made you appear to be more risky or close to your credit limits will not show in the future. Secondly, many business cards come with travel and other rewards programs for gifts, concert tickets, or healthy cash back percentages.

For success, make sure your personal credit is clear, and follow the tips listed above. It doesn't take that long to build a business Paydex of 80, probably only 4-6 months at the most.

Chris McCullough is the founder of CreditcardSuperstar.com, a credit card shopping service which allows consumers to shop, compare and apply for low interest rate credit cards online. The leading site offers over 75 different credit cards from Discover, Chase, American Express and other top banks and financial institutions. A free report on how to get the best credit card and avoid common mistakes is available at http://www.creditcardsuperstar.com.Antonia Blog85508
Allianora Blog67052

Make Extra Spending Money in time For Holiday Shopping

With the holidays just a few short months away, now is the time to try to get extra cash to spend on your friends, family and maybe even youself. You'll hear all over the news to try and NOT use your credit cards, as interest rates will kill you later. It can be so hard to decide how much to spend on people, and what you can afford without going broke doing it. So what can you do, in order to make that extra money you may need for the holidays? Follow our tips below to help you find that "hidden" cash that you can use now to make your holidays merry and bright.

1. Clean out your house - Look around your house/garage. Do you have anything you don't use anymore, doesn't fit, given as a gift but you didn't want it to begin with? Sell it on eBay. Take your item, do a search on eBay and see what similiar items are going for now. You can do a short 3 day sale, or a 7 day sale, depending on how quickly you need the cash. Take good quality digital photos of your item, and make sure your description covers everything. If your items are quite large, and too expensive to ship, offer a "pick up only" option, to lure those in your area to bid on your item. Be realistic about the price as well. If you start the bid too high, you may end up getting no bids at all. Many times a lower starting bid will start a bidding war in the end between people who have gotten the "auction itch" and now want your item regardless of the price. When I sell on eBay, I prefer buyers who either send me a money order, or PayPal only. It gives you better options in the end.

2. Organize a neighborhood yard sale - Get you and your neighbors together to have a commuinty yard sale. Advertise in the paper for either free, or cheaply, and then more people are likley to come if they see that there are multiple families participating as compared to just one. Make it worth their while. Have coffee and donuts available for the early birds. If they want to talk you down, bargain with them. Remember - you are trying to make extra cash so every little bit counts.

3. Cut out buying coffee/lunch for a month - If you like to have that $4.00 cafe latte every morning, and lunch at the local spot, try bringing it from home for a month, and see how much you can save. Put the money you would've spent that week in a jar. By the end of the month you could have anywhere between $80 - 200 dollars at the end of the month, depending on how much you were spending.

4. Offer your services - If you bake well, or are crafty, tell your friends that you'll make those school cookies, or teacher's gifts for a nominal fee. Some parents may even like it if you delivered those items as well, which you could add to your cost.

5. Look in the paper for temp jobs - if you have the time, perhaps only on the weekend, see if local stores are offering seasonal jobs that would give you extra spending money. Even better would be an employee discount, where you could use your extra cash for gitf buying.

There are many other ways for you to come up with extra spending money for the holidays. Don't let the credit card companies lure you into thinking that you can spend up to your limit. You can easily and creatively have a great holiday season without breaking the bank. Good luck to you all!

S.W. Chadwick has been working in online businesses from home since 2000. She has written dozens of articles regarding entrepreneurial pursuits and online businesses. To learn more about working from home, please visit http://www.dowhatyouloveandmakemoney.com. Copyright 2006, S.W. Chadwick, All Rights ReservedAmber Blog69726
Anallese Blog1537

College Scholarship Myths You Need To Know

There are several types of scholarship grants out there. And the best part is you can get it everywhere. You can get it from your school academic office, colleges and universities, local government, corporations, institutions, and the internet. But the bad thing is, in spite the availability of these scholarships, applicants seem to be discourage for certain reasons. Here are the common myths you need to know before getting discourage on applying for a college scholarship:

Scholarships are for highly intellectual students only.

Most students are discouraged with the idea that all scholarship grants are reserved for A students. This is 100% untrue. Although many scholarships offered everywhere have something to do with considering the academics performance of students, there are several factors that are also taken into great account. For this matter, scholarship grants can also be available for B and C students.

Many scholarships also have something to do with any field outside the norms of academic performance and grades. For example, there are scholarships for athletes, artists, performers, and so on. There are some scholarships that consider the weight of the applicants involvement in community development. The thing is you dont have to be an Einstein to win a scholarship.

Scholarships are only for the underprivileged

While there are many institutions that provide scholarships for the underprivileged, other scholarships do not fall on this condition. Many scholarships are granted for middle class or even for those who can afford. It is true that most scholarships are based on the need; there are some that arent. As a matter of fact, there are many scholarships that are based on the merits. This means that an applicant is not measured based on the financial capability but on academic proficiency and extracurricular activities.

Scholarships involve money right at the application process

Yes, there are groups or institutions that will do all the work for you. They will find the most suitable scholarship for your need and they will process your scholarship application. Be warned that these might be scams. They do not intent to give you the scholarship you need but the money you earned. If you come across this, never give any payment.

You cannot apply for several types of scholarships

The fact is you can always apply for several types of scholarships you think you are qualified into. Just make sure you give attention on the requirements and you are on the way in getting to a school you always dream of.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit http://scholarship.articlekeep.com.Alessandra Blog27530
Alene Blog79073

California Schools Educators Retirement System And Lionstone Group Create Investment Fund

The California State Teachers Retirement System (CSTRS) is the second largest public pension fund in the nation, providing retirement, disability and survivor benefits to California schools educators. Over 776,000 kindergarten through community college educators are members of the CSTRS, which currently has an investment portfolio of $142 billion.

Keeping quality educators in the California schools is of primary concern to everyone in the state. Without well-educated California schools youth, the city, businesses and economy of the state will suffer. Thus, when Lionstone Group, a research-based real estate investment firm, announced last month they and CSTRS had formed a discretionary $100 million real estate investment fund, the news was well received by everyone. As with any organization, good benefits will attract and keep quality educators in the California schools.

What makes the announcement so exciting is Lionstones track record with another fund it created with the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund (OPERF). Called the Cash Flow Office One, the fund has consistently exceeded expectations since its inception in December 2002. At that time, OPERF committed $75 million to the fund, expecting Lionstone to invest the capital within 24 months. Lionstone invested over 80 percent of OPERFs capital within 12 months with excellent returns. OPERF expanded its funding commitment in 2004 and now has over $200 million of equity and owns 20 office buildings around the country that are valued at $550 million.

Like OPERFs fund, the California schools educators fund, known as the Cash Flow Office Two, will target high occupancy office buildings in permanent locations across the United States.

CSTRS has committed $100 million to the fund, which can grow to over $500 million over time. Lionstone contributes one percent of the funds total equity. With the combined equity added to debt of up to 50 percent loan-to-value (LTV), the total buying power of the fund is approximately $1 billion.

The Lionstone Group was formed in 2001. It creates national investment strategies using primary research. Dedicated teams execute each investment strategy, including the fund for the California schools educators. Before creating the fund with the California schools educators retirement system, Lionstone refined their investment process to target locations that produce buildings with lower risk factors, according to Lionstone Principal Dan Dubrowski.

The California schools CSTRS Portfolio Manager Michael Thompson stated that the Lionstone management team over the Cash Flow Office Two fund is very entrepreneurial. He added that their skill set will enable CSTRS to continue to grow their core real estate portfolio.

This news gives all California schools educators hope for a better future, knowing they have an excellent resource during their tenure with the California schools and in retirement.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on California schools visit http://www.schoolsk-12.com/California/index.htmlAlessandra Blog27530
Aila Blog83372

Doing The Business With A Business Credit Card

Most people are used to making personal purchases with a credit card. It can help with money management and is useful for situations where you haven't got quite enough cash in hand. These are some of the same reasons why business owners should consider having credit cards for their businesses.

A business credit card can speed up the process of doing business. This applies to both online and offline transactions. It's a good way of paying for company purchases or making payments quickly.

Why Have A Business Credit Card?

Business credit card deals may be better than those available for personal credit cards. For example, there may be lower annual percentage rates (APRs), waiver of annual fees, higher credit limits and other incentives. Business credit cards also offer the same incentives as personal credit cards, such as balance transfer deals and 0% interest periods. And if you don't like the deal offered, it's always possible to negotiate.

Expense Tracking

Business credit cards are a good way of tracking expenses. This applies to both company expenses and the expenses incurred by employees on the company's behalf. They are also a good way of improving cash flow as business owners can pay for something today and have a grace period of up to 56 days before having to settle the bill.

Help For Employees

Employees can use business credit cards when travelling on company business to pay for flights and other travel, accommodation, eating out and entertaining. This means employees don't have to worry about finding money and being reimbursed. It also means that businesses can keep track of company expenses through itemised credit card statements. Businesses usually get a monthly statement where all such transactions are listed.

Choosing A Business Credit Card

When choosing a business credit card, it is best to pay attention to:

- The APR
- The credit limit
- The grace period
- Repayment options
- Annual fees
- Application fees
- Cash withdrawal fees

Since companies get monthly statements, they have to spend less time on administration. There's no longer any need to work out and check employees' expense claims, though some businesses may prefer to have that process as a backup.

Other Business Card Options

Business owners can also choose to have a business debit card. This means they can only spend what is in the business account. Another option is a business charge card. There is usually an annual fee for this and the balance has to be settled in full each month. Neither of these options is as flexible as a business credit card.

Some small businesses may start by financing their business with a personal credit card. However, this makes it more difficult to separate personal and business expenses. In addition, you will be personally liable for any spending on the personal credit card. A better option is to get a business bank loan or overdraft. This will offer better interest rates and will not endanger personal finances.

Joe Kenny writes for the Personal Loans Store, allowing visitors to compare loans and also information on business loans in the UK.Agna Blog3951
Arabele Blog84796

Homeschool Parenting Discipline and Motivation: Dad's Bailiwick

"Homeschool parenting discipline" and "encouragement and motivation"...An informal poll gleaned these responses from a group of homeschooling Moms who were asked, "What do you want from your husbands?" The unanimous consensus was: Yes, we Moms do most of the actual teaching, but Fathers play a vital role in home education.

Dr. Mark Lowery, professor at the University of Dallas and a homeschooling Father, writes, "In a word, a crucial contribution to the homeschool on the part of the father is his attitude toward his wife. Needless to say, children pick up very quickly on the quality of the relationship between their two parents and are profoundly influenced by it."

Homeschool parenting discipline problems are greatly reduced (or disappear) when Dad takes an active role. If a problem arises, just a continual monitoring of the situation by Dad may be all that is needed.

The youngster needs to know very clearly and consistently what is expected. Show him/her examples of obedience and the other virtues. Study the Bible, lives of the saints and heroes of history.

The child must know that there are consequences for disobedience and what they are.

Before leaving for work, Dad reminds the child 1) to obey his Mother and 2) that Dad will be 'phoning to check on everyone.

Dad calls during the workday to see how things are going at home.

If necessary, he can talk to the offender him/her self on the 'phone to quickly remind him of expectations and consequences.

When he arrives home, Dad checks with each child. He asks how the day went, what the youngster learned, and if there any issues that need to be discussed. He makes time to listen and talk.

A Father's encouragement is inspiration for both his wife and children. He must let them know that homeschooling is important and that he is proud of their efforts.

Dad can sincerely compliment Mom in front of the children and any and all other relatives.

He can fix up the classroom or study area. For example, Dad can build shelves, paint bookcases and refinish desks.

Buy tiny homeschool gifts. What a treat--and motivator--when the Father brings little surprises home! They can be pencils, sticky notes or colorful stickers.

When inquiring about the day's activities, Dad honestly praises all good efforts.

A Father's good example speaks volumes. Children naturally look up to and imitate their Dad. His strong faith and upright character quietly but surely influence them.

Dad sets the pace for homeschooling parenting discipline and encouragement and motivation. Mother and children flourish with his support and inspiration.

Anna Marie has been homeschooling for over 19 years. Visit her website http://www.homeschool-living.com for encouragement, free worksheets and practical knowledge about electives (especially p.e. and art), temperaments, order, discipline, recommended reading, holiday and co-op games and activities.Alethea Blog12064
Anissa Blog52587

The Secrets Of Internet And Online Marketing

There are a plethora of things you can do online and of all the things you can do online, there is one that you should definitely know how to do. MARKET YOUR OWN BUSINESS ONLINE!

Now with the incredible power of the Online World to reach millions of people, online marketing is definitely an amazing tool that every business should utilize. The simple fact that advertising is can be very low cost and sometimes even practically free. The ability to get the results of thousands of dollars in free publicity is practically unheard of in the business world today. Only recently have more and more people figured out how to utilize the ever exploding online world to market their business ventures.

There is probably isn't a business in existence that wouldn't benefit from free publicity! The fact that properly utilizing free and low cost advertising raises net profits to unbelievable levels! Using any or all of the major online services can help you market your business efforts.

Let's begin with plain advertising. For example, on AOL, they will let you place classified advertisements for free! They have a variety of classifications and categories to choose from. By placing some of these free ads you can generate some very quality leads that can turn into sales. If you are an excellent marketer you could sell something straight from your free ad.

There are other services that offer free advertising from time to time. When they do charge for classified ads it is usually a very low cost, and they are still a great deal considering how many people may see them. When you place any ads you should always "track" your ads. This means put something in each individual ad that will tell you, if you get any business from it, which ad it came from. This way, you will probably find that some sections are better producers than others, and you will want to concentrate on these sections and not the ones that weren't making any money.

To track an ad you could make them request a certain "report" for more information. You should give each report different tracking links for each ad. Such as: "ask for report #1tv" , this way you would know that this request came from the ad on television, for sale category, and so forth. If they send you an order straight from the ad, make them give you an order #, which would be different for each ad. THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WHO ARE ADVERTISING ONLINE ARE NOT USING THESE AD CODES!!! THIS IS A MAJOR MARKETING MISTAKE!!!

If you do not track exactly which ads are making money, then you are wasting your time by continually placing ads in "loser" categories that don't provide any sales. ALWAYS keep track of every ad you place. Make a note of what it said, where and when it was placed. You will be pleasantly surprised when you analyze your "ad data" and see some positive trends developing. Just repeat these trends and it will help you to make more money!

Wouldn't you like to have a name list of several hundred (or even thousand) people who might be interested in the particular product or service you are selling based on their jobs or interests? Wouldn't that be great!? Well, you can! And the Online Services supply this service as a part of your regular membership.

This little unknown tool is called the "Member Directory!" You can do searches in the directory for other users with certain characteristics. For example, if you were selling fishing equipment, you could do a search by "fishing." All of the people that were registered in the directory and had listed fishing as one of their hobbies would show up on that search list. You could now send each one of those people an e-mail message telling them about your product or service, it's just like using a mailing list, but you have no postage! (*Make sure you check with your online service to see if they allow unsolicited email.)

The bottom line is that you "test" and record the results of your Online Marketing efforts. Then just repeat the steps that are making you money and expand on them to reach more people. You should conduct split-testing on your site. A method were you have two different pages, performing the same function but with different copy so you can tell which one is converting better.

You will also find hundreds of articles on the World Wide Web. By searching one of the WWW search engines like Webcrawler you can find all the information you can read. Use search strings such as: "online marketing", "internet advertising", "selling online", and so on.

You can also find many books on the subject at your local bookstore or being advertised online.

Wayne Van Dyck is a former venture capitalist and builder of offline technology companies. He is the founder and developer of Simple Money Machines. Simple Money Machines is all the money making technologies in one, easy-to-use, hosted application enabling non-technical people to set up online businesses in less than 30 minutes. It's made for people with 9-5 jobs, retired folks, stay-at-home moms and college students. To get a FREE copy of "STARTING A HOME BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE", go to: http://tinyurl.com/ykyoqx.Aubine Blog39078
Aila Blog83372

Make Money Online - Is It Possible

If you want to make money online, than you will first have to defeat that negative voice in the back of your head that says it isn't really possible.

I can tell you firsthand it is possible and I am living proof that anyone with a little persistance and effort can crack the code and make money online. Now if you would have asked me that question several years ago, I probably would have had said "I am not sure".

But today I can definately say that is possible for you, but first you have to get your mind in the right place. In a positive place. Instead of being a doom and gloom type of person, you have to look at every step you take wether good or bad and learn from them.

I am not going to pull your chains and tell you that you are going to get rich overnite, because making money on the internet can take weeks or even months to set yourself up for success. But all of the investing and effort that you apply now will pay off later as long as you are'nt one of these many people that join a make money program and than give up when they don't see overnite wealth!

As a society we want everything to be done for us and in the blink of an eye. Answer me this question; "If you knew that in one year if followed certain steps you would be financially well off, would you pursue the steps or just say no thanks?

My guess is that financial independence would be a strong motivator for you. Guess what, it is the motivating factor for everyone that wants to make money online. The difference between you and the other guy is your desire and perseverance.

You may have to deal with family and friends along the way that tell you that you will never make money and your time is wastaed because all money making programs are scams or rippoff's! I am telling you that this is what I dealt with when I first came online, but now that I am cranking out money from my online business those people are the first ones to help me spend it! So don't get caught up in all of that negative crap!

Even when it feels like your online business moves two steps back if you keep at it, your business will jump forward and you will make money online.

Chris Peterson help's people make money online at his website http://www.affiliate-homebusiness.net. He is a living example of how you can make money online by using your computer, visit his site today at http://www.affiliate-homebusiness.netAnselma Blog25644
Ailyn Blog37310

Understanding Debt

On the surface, managing money seems like a pretty simple thing. You earn money, whether through a job, inheritance or lottery winnings; and you spend it on the things you need (or think you need). It sounds so simple, until you introduce debt into the picture. If you fail to live within your means and your expenses exceed your earnings, youll quickly find that there are ways to borrow money to make up for this disparity.

Debt is really a simple concept when you borrow money from another for whatever reason, you are in debt. And unless youre borrowing from a very generous friend, youll be required to pay back that debt at some point in time. Banks, credit card companies and other credit providers are unlikely to be as lenient. When you take on a debt, youll find that it comes with terms and conditions that govern its repayment, including the deadlines for making payments and details on your interest rate.

Understanding interest rates can get tricky with all the financial jargon of APR rates, compounding interest and so on. But on a simple level, interest is what the creditor charges to let you have access to all that money. After all, banks and credit companies arent just friendly businesses there to help you out their for-profit enterprises. In exchange for loaning you money, they expect to be paid back a certain percentage (your interest rate) on top of the original loan amount (called your principal). Thats why its so important to shop around to get the best interest rate possible a small percentage of a big debt can be a lot of money!

One of the most common instruments of debt comes in the form of a loan. A loan can either be secured to unsecured. If you have any assets, such as a house or a car, you may pledge these items as collateral to get a loan, meaning that youll turn over these assets to the credit issuer if you cant pay back your loan for any reason. This is referred to as a secured loan, since the creditor has a measure of security that theyll get their investment back. A loan is considered unsecured when the debtor does not pledge specific assets to the creditor as collateral.

Clearly, a secured loan is a safer choice for credit issuers. Often times, debtors who are able to secure their loans find better terms and interest rates, since the creditor has a means of collecting on any defaulted loan. However, having an unsecured loan doesn't mean that the debtor can renege on his or her debts. If a debtor fails to pay back the loans, the creditor can still file a case in court, requiring the debtor who has no cash to sell some of his assets to pay back the outstanding loan.

While debt can sound scary, theres nothing to worry about if you use it wisely. Building good credit from an early age by using debt responsibly can make a huge difference in the long run. But the temptation is always there to purchase more than you can afford to. Its easy to get in over your head so take the time to learn more about your finances and be smart about your money!

This article was published by Sarah Russell on Smart Young Money a collection of money management resources for teens and young adults. For great information on using credit, managing debt and more for young people, visit http://www.smartyoungmoney.com.Anjela Blog10063
Ariel Blog90118

Baby Monitors: Which One To Choose

You go to the store to purchase a baby monitor. All you know is that you want another way to ensure your babys safety and having baby monitors will help you to do that. However, you start down the aisle with the baby monitors, and you are overwhelmed. Who knew that there were so many choices when it comes to baby monitors? Maybe I can help.

There are the simple, low priced baby monitors. This type of baby monitor has one unit that you set in the babys room and one that you can take into another room of the house. The unit in the babys room picks up any noise in the room and sends it to the other unit.

Then there is the baby monitor that also acts as a walkie-talkie system. Both units can send and receive. This type of monitor is more expensive than the simple baby monitors.

Another type of monitor is one that you can attach to the babys crib. It is similar to the simple monitor in that the unit in the babys room sends sound to the other monitor. The difference is that you can use a remote control to activate vibrations and soothing sounds on the babys unit.

There is also the monitor that allows you see and hear your baby. You mount a camera in the babys room and you can watch and listen to your baby from another location in the house. The camera and monitor are lightweight and can be moved easily.

In order to decide which baby monitor will best fit what you want and need you must consider a couple of things. You need to think about your budget. You also need to think about what your baby needs. Maybe your baby needs the soothing sounds monitor, or maybe s/he just needs to hear your voice. The most important thing is that any monitor that you buy will help you make sure that your baby is sleeping safe and sound in his/her room.

Christine Loxley writes for http://www.babymonitorhut.com, a website packed with baby monitor information.Ally Blog36346
Angelita Blog25212

US Bank Accounts For Non-Residents: A Buyers Guide

After spending much of June researching how to open a US bank account from outside of America I have created a guide of what you should look for to avoid frustrations, wasted time and to avoid putting your money at unnecessary risk.

If you see companies selling "US Bank Account Kits" online then realize that they are charging you money just to tell you of a bank account that accepts applicants. Their kits usually provides you with application forms and perhaps a quick guide as to what you should write in the application. There is nothing wrong with paying money as a kind of "finders fee" but understand that you will be able to get those application forms for free from the bank. I've provided a list of banks that do accept international applicants below and if you feel the need then you are welcome to contact them yourself.

Be careful about traders selling US Bank Account Packs on EBay. These people rarely have any experience opening these accounts themselves and they have no idea if their product actually works or not. Many of these people have bought the package from somebody else and they will just sell it online without even caring if you waste your money on it. A lot of loopholes have closed recently and often these packs are completely out of date and could get you into trouble.

There is a way to get a US Bank account through E*Trade which you'll see promoted. You'll be told that you can get a check book and, with a $1,000 deposit, you'll be able to get an ATM card too. You won't be told that this bank is E*Trade though but you'll see reference to it because they will mention a $1,000 requirement to apply for the "Platinum Visa Card". What these companies don't warn you about is that you are obligated to open a brokerage account with E*Trade and if you don't regularly trade in stocks then your account can be frozen. It can take MONTHS to get it unfrozen. Thee promoters also claim that you can pay checks into your account which is no longer true.

There are some companies advertising ATM cards that can be used with PayPal and E-Gold. Some of the merchants do not have strong links with any bank and there have been instances where suddenly the agent has been suspended and all his customers cards get stopped. These ATM cards operate as "direct deposit" accounts and although you'll be issued with a card, you will not have your money in your own account.

Be careful about how frequently websites are updated. Check to see if the website updates its bank fees regularly or not. If they don't then it is a sign that the website you are working with is out-of-date and the agent may not really understand the industry any more. Changes happen all the time with bank terms and conditions for international members so if you see fees that do not specify a date, check with the merchant to see if they are still current.

Don't trust websites that are not affiliated with the bank or card provider. Internet fraud is common and it is very easy for a thief to set up a website to collect your details for identity theft. Look for a direct link to and from the banks website. Also make contact with the merchant before ordering to get an idea of their response time and commitment to customer service.

If you make an application using a web form check that the website address for the orders page is secure. A secure website will begin with https:// and (depending on your web browser) should show a closed padlock to show that the site is secure.

Don't pay hundreds of dollars for administrative fees. I do believe that it might be necessary to pay extra to open business bank accounts but some companies charge over $500 just to process your application form. Often you'd be able to apply to these banks directly but the agents won't tell you which bank they will submit your application to so that they can profit from you.

Often Bank accounts for international clients come with additional fees. Make sure you investigate these before registering for any account.

Don't trust any company that doesn't require you to provide them with at least 2 forms of ID. One must have proof of your address, the other must have a photo ID. If a merchant does not request this then they are in breach of US banking laws.

Any bank or service that offers a Visa Debit card will be charged an "international usage fee" by Visa International. The charge is applied if you use your card in a country other than where it was issued. Visa's International Usage fee can be as crazy as 8% and because the fee is not charged directly by the bank many banks avoid mentioning this. Before you do anything you must ask whether you will be charged this fee or whether the bank will waive it. Nearly every bank will require that you pay this fee!

Martin Pavion is an e-commerce entrepreneur. The complete article of this e-zine is available at http://www.geekcrets.com/How_To_Open_a_US_Bank_Account.html.Aurel Blog96291
Antonie Blog80021

What's Your Money Style?

We all have a different style when it comes to our relationship with money. I'm not talking about your fears or stories about money. Your fears are a whole other box of worms. When I refer to style, I mean how you would relate to money if you had never been influenced by another persons style or fears.

Dominant type of people are really driven to make money and use it to please themselves. They like to buy nice cars. They go after money and success with intense passion. When they set a money goal they know they'll get it. Once they get that money, they are reaching for more. They are generous with money but do not like people to take advantage of them. Competition is fun to them. Dominant styles think it is easy to make money and can't understand why everyone else doesn't think this way, too. They are willing to take risks and do not hesitate very long when making decisions about investments. When they desire a certain price on something they will negotiate down. Watch out, they may not bend. Give them the bottom line price up front and you'll save a lot of time and frustration for them and yourself!

Influencing and promoter type of people are excited to make and spend money. If the path to the money is not fun, they will take a right hand turn. When they are in the zone, they will seem to magnetize money in very interesting waysways that other people would doubt. They don't think before they buy. They see something they want and they usually go for it, even it breaks the bank. They make a plan but many times they completely forget about when a bright shiny object in a store window catches their eye. Details, details, yuck! Have you ever heard of the terms "shop-o-holic and impulsive"?

Steady and supporter type people like to be slow to their decisions. They will usually let their mate make investment decisions if they are a different style. They are very consistent with their practices and are not thrilled with big risksthey'd rather be patient and watch their money grow over time. Their purchases are more on the practical side.

Analytical type people are very calculated about what happens with their money. By the time they choose to do something, whether it's a purchase, creating a business or an investment, they have created a very thought out a plan. If the choice seemed like a risk before they did their research, it is now a safe bet. They've checked out all the possible down falls of their choice and have a back up plan. Spontaneous with their money? Not! If they are making a purchase, it will last them a long time.

Which style are you? None of these styles is better than another. Each of them does, however, have a shadow side. For instance, an analytical style might get in so much fear about losing their money that they never make a move or go after a dream. A promoter style might spend every penny they have with no money in savings. A dominant style may use their money as manipulative tool. A steady person may get stuck in a rut and fear change that is to their benefit. It is important to know your natural style and work with it, not against it. It is good to implement some traits from other styles, when you see that yours is hindering you. But always stick to your values, no matter what advice you get or read. Remember that everyone has their own style and what works for you may not be tolerable for your mate or business partner. This is where blending styles becomes important. Stay compassionate to other's needs when communicating or taking action with money. If you want to know more about maximizing your authentic money style check go to http://www.masterpeacecoaching.com/disc.htm for info on a one-one coaching sessions and an assessment.

Jeanna Gabellini is the Xtreme Abundance Coach. She'll give you all the tools you need to create financial wealth and prosperity with her personal coaching, tele-courses and audio products. Jeanna blends strategy, Laws of attraction and FUN to assist you in creating exactly what you want. Are you ready for Extreme Abundance? Go to http://www.MasterPeaceCoaching.com to get your free ezine or call 707-747-0447 for more info.Ariel Blog80687
Alene Blog35724

Take Advantage Of All Inclusive Vacation Offers For A Great Time At A Great Price.

All inclusive vacation packages are great for getting the best price available for a dream vacation. All inclusive however needs to be understood and defined unless you end up at your travel destination and find out then what it doesn't cover.

Many all inclusive vacation packages are simply designed by a travel consolidator who has passed on bulk discount rates to you. A consolidator may book a block of rooms at a favorite vacation destination. They will then contact rental car companies and get a great rate on cars, then finally pre-reserve air tickets to that destination. Because the consolidator has booked in blocks, the overall cost per person is much lower and they pass much of this savings through to the vacationing traveler.

Now this isn't however, in the true sense of the word, an "all inclusive" vacation package. This is why it's important to understand what all inclusive means to the travel group or agent who you are working with.

One of the most popular all inclusive vacation packages is actually the cruise ship industry. Here's they break things into 4 distinct categories.

1. AIRFARE: Your airfare to get to the ship. This can be purchased from the cruise ship company though it's sometimes possible to get lower fares. The trade off here is that with cruise ship airfare, the cruise line takes responsibility for your trip from the very start.

2: ONBOARD Or being on the cruise ship. accommodations as in a cabin or stateroom are a given. But they also include all meals, snacks, and most basic drinks other than alcoholic beverages. Onboard entertainment is also included.

3. GRATUITIES and EXTRAS We're talking about tipping the personnel onboard the ship. This is your responsibility. Though technically optional, it's considered good manners to tip at least according to the recommendations easily obtained from the cruise ship company.

4. OFF SHIP EXCURSIONS: Anything you're interested to do while visiting other places off the ship is your responsibility. It's also not mandatory and there's lots of things to do and see for free.

Many resorts have also been designed around true "all inclusive" offers. some very high end resorts have taken this to an extreme by removing money from much of the resort. Guests use special resort tokens, or simply a card to make it a more enjoyable vacation.

At some of the more popular tourist destinations like Disney World in Florida, it's possible to get package deals that also include deep discounts on admission to the various parks in the area.

An all inclusive vacation can be a great way to save big money on a popular destination getaway. Simply understand what is and is NOT provided and plan accordingly. Have a great time and save money while enjoying your all inclusive vacation package!

Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects which include family, Travel, and Home. For more information on your next vacation visit http://www.4-carrentals.info/san-diego-vacation.html or http://www.4-carrentals.infoAllianora Blog67052
Aubrette Blog37987

The Online Borrowing Low Interest Online Loans

Whenever people need money in form of loans, they run towards loan market to get the loan. They go for deals which first come in their notice, but in practice they ignore the fact that they can get better deals at lower rates which are available in the market, if they do some research work. However, this needs lot of time, as you have to visit the offices of all the lenders available. It may not be possible for every person to take out such time from their busy schedule. But with internet becoming the portal for the loan lenders, this research is now just a matter of few clicks. Through this, you can get information about numerous low interest online loans in very little time.

Low interest online loans are loans with low rate of interest. These loans are multipurpose loans, which mean that you are free to use the loan amount the way you want. Some examples of its usage are debt consolidation, buying residential and commercial properties, investment in business proposals, home improvements, funding education and wedding expenses, buying car or boat or you can use the low interest online money for holidaying around the beautiful places of the world.

Low interest online loans provide you with following features:

Enhanced searching for loans eliminating the task of going to lenders office

Saves time and energy of the borrowers

No up front cost

Free online loan quotes on dozens of loan websites to choose from.

Comparison tools, debts and repayment calculators and budget planner to help you understand a loan better.

Reduced paper work with lesser formalities

Fixed and variable interest rates to choose from

Easy and simple online application form secured under data protection act 1998.

Faster application and approval process

Borrowers are regularly updated for all of their transactions for repayments

There are basically two forms of low interest online loans: secured and unsecured. The amount and repayment term is depended on the collateral presence. With collateral you can borrow amounts up to 75000 for longer terms. On the other hand, you can get quick cash support from 1000 to 25000 for a period up to 10 years with an unsecured low interest online loan.

Low interest online loans are available to homeowners, non-homeowners, tenants, PGs, employed or self employed people, ex-servicemen and also to people with a bad credit score including CCJs and IVAs, defaulters, arrears and bankrupts.

A low interest online loan is the perfect partner for you when borrowing money is on your mind for satisfaction of your wants

Ashley Lewis has been associated with FastOnlineLoans. Having completed her Masters in Finance from Cranfield School of Management. She provide useful advice through her articles that have been found very useful.To find more about fast online loans, fast online loan, fast personal loans, low interest online loans, personal loans, online personal loans visit http://www.fastonlineloans.org.uk.Aigneis Blog89466
Aubine Blog39078

Bike Gear: How Much To Spend

To lots of people, money is know object and they can afford to pay for the top-of-the-line gear they want. Other people need to be more cost conscience and look for bargains.

There are as many brand-new bikes sitting unused in people's garages as there are in bike stores.

Well, that is perhaps an exaggeration, but it's certainly true that a great many people who take up a new hobby have a tendency to lose interest after a week or a month. Either they find they don't have time for it or they find they just don't enjoy it. But, when they first started out they were full of enthusiasm so they bought all sorts of expensive gear that they now no longer use.

So they sell it - at garage sales, on Ebay, or in those special newspapers designed for the purpose of selling unwanted material.

The careful buyer can pick up quite a few bargains this way.

Used Bikes and Bike Gear

If you're buying from a garage sale, you'll be able to test out the bike or the gear and make sure that it works properly. You don't have that luxury with Ebay, but the seller has various ratings boxes you can check to make sure they're legitimate.

How else can you save money while putting together your own biking ensemble?

Shopping Online

Well, although I hate to say it, the best thing to do is shop online. Online stores have more inventory than do most brick-and-mortar stores, and they are able to sell the equipment at such a discount that even after paying for shipping, you still save money.

The drawback here is that you want to ensure that you're dealing with a reputable store - if you send money to a fly-by-night outfit you might live to regret it.

Seats (or saddles - whatever terminology you use!), handlebar stems, brakes, and tires can all make a big difference in the quality of your bike ride. If you're looking to upgrade your ride, by all means do some comparison shopping. Check out the prices in your local bike store, and then check online.

If at all possible, of course, you should support your local bike store, just because they employ knowledgeable people who will be there when you need them. But if you find an item at a bargain price online, it would be foolish not to take advantage of it.

Local Bike Shop

It's always a good idea to have a good relationship with your local bike shop. Always assuming that the people who work there know their business. But if that's the case - you can get a lot of good information from t hem, and you'll be able to learn of any upcoming sales where you'll be able to pick up any bargains.

Alastair Hamilton is the editor of many articles on bike reviews published at http://www.bikecyclingreviews.com . A website with tips on bicycle parts, and many related topics: http://www.bikecyclingreviews.com/parts.htmlAlyson Blog60850
Averyl Blog98832

Success Is Simple When You Make Sense Of The Numbers

The vast majority of people in business don't really like numbers. They remember Math as being one of the harder subjects in school. And they never got interested in accounting.

Most of us go into business not because we love to pour through financial sheets, but because we like the thrill of designing a new product, the joy of making a sale, or simply the freedom of being your own boss.

But when you look at how many businesses fail, and WHY they fail, you have to step back and rethink things. A venture can have the most exciting products or services ever devised and plenty of customers and STILL not make a go of it.

Why? The answer is in the financial numbers.

Most businesses don't work out because their owners and managers don't fully understand their business' financial picture. When you have a complete and accurate view of your firm's finances, you know:

* How much money you are making
* How much money you're spending
* How much money you'll make or loose in the months ahead
* Know if your product is succeeding
* Know if your advertising is a waste of time
* Know if you need to order more product, or less, or even how to make money with your unused inventory

Your company's numbers quickly tell you all this and more. So how do you get access to these truths? Most small business experts will tell you to get a good accounting program like MS Money or Quickbooks. But that's not nearly enough.

Even though these programs are good, maybe even essential, you'll need more to fully understand what is going on in your company. That's why a whole industry has sprung up to supply these much needed forms, databases, and software.

Big box stores and other large retail and service organizations have always had access to this kind of advanced accounting power. They either use their own teams of in-house MBAs or sign up for very expensive outsourced financial management services.

Today you can have that same kind of expert help simply by logging onto the Internet. Many of the forms you'll need are available free. And you can get access to even more software and databases for a very small monthly fee.

Finally, BIG company financial power is readily in the hands of small and medium-sized businesses. Make sure you make full use of these resources. Your probability of success will be far higher and you may never have to worry about your company suffering serous setbacks.

Joseph Kennedy is a veteran of the banking industry and a former computer analyst. He is founder and CEO of http://www.businessbuilderonline.com, offering extensive financial, legal, and administrative forms you need to quickly succeed in business, plus much more. info@businessbuilderonline.com.Aubrette Blog37987
Aurea Blog15544

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